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SYC Suse Capture Youth Rejuvenating Cream SYC素瑟 未来新肌菁纯臻颜霜
Locks moisture, brightens, nourishes and whitens the skin
Hydrating: gently replenishes skin moisture and provides essential nutrients, improves skin condition, keep skin moist and clear.
Rich in oligopeptides: Supplement Collagen and repairs fiber breakage caused by aging to achieve skin firming. Activation of dermal layer cells to release effective nutrients, activating the cells’ self-repair mechanism to accelerate the healing of acne and other skin problems.
Restores the skin’s ability to repair ability from the muscle base, promotes the repair and regeneration of the damaged epidermis, smoothen the fine lines and highlights the suppleness of the skin.
*Firming 收紧肌肤
*Relieve dry skin 舒缓干燥皮肤
* Reduce fine lines 减轻细纹
*Youthful looking skin 年轻肌肤
* Moisturizing 补水
Suitable for/适合:
* All skin types 各种皮肤类型都适合
*Ladies 女
* Men 男
*Pregnant ladies 孕妇
* Sensitive skin 敏感肌
Product net weight : 50g Total box weight: 300g
Original stock guaranteed. All our products are imported by SYC Suse SG, official sole distributor of South East Asia.