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不要为了省下几块钱而买到假货,不仅仅浪费钱,反而没有任何效果,这笔账怎么算都是不划算~ Don't buy fakes just to save a few bucks, it's not only a waste of money, but also ineffective 市面上假货很多,骗子花样层出不穷,请选择正品店购买,正品才会有效果~ There are a lot of fake products on the market, there are endless tricks of scammers, please choose genuine stores to buy, genuine ones will have good results 店主亲自使用了本产品 一个月大概瘦了6KG 非常有效 特推荐此产品给为减肥苦恼的你~ The seller in this shop has personally used this product and lost 6KG in a month. It is very effective and I recommend it to you who are struggling with weight loss. ‼ ️Red quinoa‼ ️ High-quality red quinoa from Peru Provides rich amino acids, which can constitute blood, muscle and various tissues of the human body ‼️紅藜‼️ 來自於祕魯的優質紅藜 提供豐富的胺基酸,可構成血液、肌肉及人體的各種組織 ‼ ️Dietary fiber‼ ️ Apple pectin and Guanhua bean gum are water-soluble fibers Can increase the feeling of satiety, promote intestinal peristalsis, and play with the body ‼️膳食纖維‼️ 蘋果果膠與關華豆膠屬於水溶性纖維 可增加飽足感、促進腸道蠕動、玩美體態 ‼ ️Trace nutrients‼ ️ Provide essential vitamins and minerals Bridging the nutritional gap needed for weight management ‼️微量邕養素‼️ 提供人體所必需的維生素與礦物質 彌補體重管理時所需的營養缺口 輕卡無負擔 ‼ ️Apple pectin, konjac‼ ️ Increase the feeling of satiety, the taste of diced green apple ‼️蘋果果膠、蒟蒻‼️ 增加飽足感、青蘋果丁加成口感 ‼ ️Public welfare bacteria, lactic acid bacteria‼ ️ Good bacteria help digestion and smooth bowel movements ‼️公益生菌、乳酸菌‼️ 好菌幫助消化、排便順暢 ‼ ️Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide‼ ️ Anti-inflammation, boost immunity ‼️靈芝多醣體‼️ 抗發炎,提升免疫力 ✅建議食用方式 餐前飲用1包,每天1-3包。 1.以 300毫升常溫水沖泡 2.搖勻/攪拌10-15秒 3.可依喜愛口感濃稠度自行調整沖泡水量。 ◎過敏源警語 本產品含麩質穀物及其製品 ✅Recommended way of eating Drink 1 sachet before meal, 1-3 sachets per day. 1. Brew with 300ml of room temperature water 2. Shake/stir for 10-15 seconds 3. You can adjust the amount of brewing water according to your favorite taste and consistency. ◎Allergen warning This product contains gluten grains and their products ⚠️規格:每盒30包,每包35公克(粉狀),沖泡品,正品公司貨 ⚠️有效期限:日期依外包裝為主 ⚠️Specifications: 30 packs per box, 35 grams per pack (powder), brewed product, genuine company product ⚠️ Expiry date: The date depends on the outer packaging Protection Day Queen Ganoderma Lucidum Polysaccharide King Of Grains Red Quinoa Body Scavenger Apple Pectin Name: Good Day Play Beauty Ingredients Ingredients: Red Quinoa Powder, Fructose, Apple Pectin, Apple Lemon Juice Powder [Octyrene Butylene Glycoic Acid Sodium Starch, Apple Juice Concentrate, Lemon Juice Concentrate, Maltodextrin, Citric Acid, Spices (Spices, Propylene Alcohol, Medium Chain Triglyceride, Vitamin E (Antioxidant)), Sodium Citrate], Guanhua Soybean Gum, Dioxy Silicon Chemical, Vitamin C, Konjac Powder Specifications: 30 Packs Per Box/35G Per Pack Suggested Consumption: 1 Sachet Before Adult Meals, 1 - 3 Sachets Per Day, It Is Not Beneficial To Eat More; 12 Years Old Or 40kg Years Old Drink Sachets Before Meals For Children, - 1 Sachet Daily, Each Sachet Needs To Be Added With Room Temperature 300 - 350ml Room Temperature Water To Shake/Stir Well Mix For 10-15 Se
主成分為高營養價值的紅藜麥,提供多種優質營養以及膳食纖維,並搭配蘋果果 膠、益生菌
🔶微量營養素〝提供人體所必需的維生素與礦物質彌補體重管理時所需的營養缺口 輕卡無負擔
🔶靈芝多醣體💁♀產品已取得 SGS食品實驗室測試報告
ECKARE 紅藜果膠PLUS 【2盒以上有優惠】
產品特點 :綜藝天王吳宗憲推薦蘋果果丁與果膠,可提升飽足感被稱為「穀類紅寶石」的紅藜,提供完整營養含四十億好菌,幫助消化、促進排便順暢榮獲《台灣品質金牌奬及台灣品牌玉山奬》
使用方法 :將兩包紅藜果膠倒入500c.c.的常溫水中,搖晃均勻後即可飲用,若使用一包,則袔倒入250c.c.的常溫水中使用
成份 :紅藜、蘋果果膠、關華豆膠、40億益生菌,無添加人工甜味劑、人工色素
產品容量 :1盒30包
生產地 :台灣製造