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清蜡润肤棉 Wax Removal Wipe Individually Mild Formula Moisturize Skin After Depilation Wipes Wax Oil Cleaning For Hair Remova

清蜡润肤棉 Wax Removal Wipe Individually Mild Formula Moisturize Skin After Depilation Wipes Wax Oil Cleaning For Hair Remova

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  • 商品货号:ECS002935
    商品库存: 1000
  • 商品重量:5克
  • 上架时间:2023-04-27
  • 市场价格:RM0.54
    用户评价: comment rank 5
  • 购买商品达到以下数量区间时可享受的优惠价格:
    数量 优惠价格
    1 RM0.60
    3 RM0.54
    6 RM0.50
    12 RM0.46
    18 RM0.42
    50 RM0.38
    100 RM0.36
  • 商品总价:
  • 购买数量:
    购买此商品可使用:0 积分
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 ✨DON'T MISS OUT:Wax Removal Wipe Individually Mild Formula Moisturize Skin After Depilation Wipes Wax Oil Cleaning For Hair Removal Tools

PRODUCT PROPERTY:✨ Basic: Brand name is tmishion.Number of pieces is combo.Origin is cn(origin).
REASONS TO BUY:✨ Wipe after wax: wipe after use with a damp cloth to clean the surface. avoid using bleach and mildew for long-term care. 
✨ Highly recommended seller: this is a highly recommended seller in the industry. it is best sellers in the fashion industry and is highly recommended to provide customers with high quality products and excellent service. 
✨ Easy to store and carry: our wax removal wipes can be folded and stored in a small bag, which is convenient for you to carry and store. 



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