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How to eat:
Take one sachet every day, take it directly, or you can drink it with water (only a little water is needed for flushing). It is recommended that the body be absorbed by warm water.
服用方法:每天一小包,直接服用即可,也可以沖水喝 (沖水喝只需一點水量哦),建议溫水沖服身体會吸收更好~Lemona Nano Collagen Powder is :
✔ Easy and convenient to consume, one sachet a day.
✔ Easy and convenient to carry around wherever you go.Perfect for:
✔ People who are always on the go
✔ People who find taking supplements a chore
✔ People who are always travelling around and need to take their supplement with them
✔ People looking to minimize pore appearance, appearance of laugh lines, dry and dull skin, weak nails, dry hair and split ends
✔ People who are in air-conditioned environments for long durationHelps to :
✔ Improve Digestion
✔ Promote Skin Health
✔ Support Hormone Imbalance
✔ Lubricate Joints
✔ Regulate body matabolism一罐可吃2個月,內含胶原蛋白粉 500mg + 維他命c含量120mg,一桶2g*60包 。
- 这次的胶原蛋白粉又出新品咯~1天1包满满的胶原蛋白跟柠檬C粉都可以让皮肤变美美的养颜美容胶原蛋白粉,持续吃皮肤會变漂亮喔!
- 取自於韩国国产魚(blowfish)萃取nano细分子,再加上美白维他命C+維生素B,分子细所以好吸收~重点是吃起來沒有腥味,有点淡淡的柠檬味,直接吃也不害怕!!
- 有助於提高免疫力,预防感冒, 解除疲劳。透亮肤色、抗氧化、维持皮肤彈力。
- 即食型非常方便~每一小包2g里包含一人一天所需维生素C+
- 胶原蛋白安全剂量主要成分為维生素C、维生素B2、维生素B
- 非医药产品成分天然安全,適合18岁以上成年人,男女皆可!
What is in the box:
1bottle = 60sticks
* Due to lightning effect,the picture colour may have slighty difference on the actual product~
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