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Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Astaxanthin, Blueberry, Sweet Potato, Tomato, Grapefruit, Fibersol-2.Direction of Use
2 tablets per day
High absorption rate / Comprehensive eye-care formula
Thanks to Hydrolysis Technology, it has been entirely utilised to help eliminate fatty acids in the free-form lutein which also reduced the size of molecule drastically. It can also be directly absorbed in the small intestine to transform into vital nutrients for the human body.
XanMax® patented ingredient extracted from Marigold flower
Lutein and Zeaxanthin are extracted via multinational patented processes in the United States of America, Japan, and Europe. Besides, Marigold flowers are planted accordingly following the conditions of Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) and Good Collection Practice (GCP).
High content of antioxidant
The main ingredients exist in E-VITE include healthy nutrients that are used to develop an antioxidant formula in defending our eyes effectively. Among the main ingredients are Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Astaxanthin, Blueberry, Purple Sweet Potato, Tomato, and Grapefruit which all possess the ability to protect human eyes.
E-VITE helps to protect your eyes on a daily basis. It is formulated to block the blue light from penetrating macular pigment located at the back of our eyes with its loaded content of lutein and zeaxanthin.
Lutein and zeaxanthin gather in the retina and macula and both of these are carotene extracts which can be derived from green vegetables like spinach, corn, and egg yolk. They are able to filter harmful high-energy blue wavelengths (blue light) and help maintain healthy cells in the eyes. In fact, lutein and zeaxanthin were found to reduce the risk of cataract formation due to their high antioxidant nutrients that neutralise free radicals causing retinal damage.
E-VITE also contains astaxanthin which represents similar structure to lutein and zeaxanthin. Astaxanthin has been recognised as the King of Carotenoids and is capable to effectively relieve eye -fatigue, eye dryness and assists in improving blood flow to the eyes while simultaneously enhancing eye circulation. On top of that, astaxanthin also consists of antioxidant to reduce the risk of developing cataract. In simpler words, astaxanthin is one of the strongest singlets as oxygen quencher and is among the strongest anti-ageing molecules.
E-VITE helps to protect your eyes on a daily basis. It is formulated to block the blue light from penetrating macular pigment located at the back of our eyes with its loaded content of lutein and zeaxanthin.
Lutein and zeaxanthin gather in the retina and macula and both of these are carotene extracts which can be derived from green vegetables like spinach, corn, and egg yolk. They are able to filter harmful high-energy blue wavelengths (blue light) and help maintain healthy cells in the eyes. In fact, lutein and zeaxanthin were found to reduce the risk of cataract formation due to their high antioxidant nutrients that neutralise free radicals causing retinal damage.
E-VITE also contains astaxanthin which represents similar structure to lutein and zeaxanthin. Astaxanthin has been recognised as the King of Carotenoids and is capable to effectively relieve eye -fatigue, eye dryness and assists in improving blood flow to the eyes while simultaneously enhancing eye circulation. On top of that, astaxanthin also consists of antioxidant to reduce the risk of developing cataract. In simpler words, astaxanthin is one of the strongest singlets as oxygen quencher and is among the strongest anti-ageing molecules.
Thanks to Hydrolysis Technology, it has been entirely utilised to help eliminate fatty acids in the free-form lutein which also reduced the size of molecule drastically. It can also be directly absorbed in the small intestine to transform into vital nutrients for the human body.