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Note that the product doesn't come with batch number as to protect supplier's identity. It's 💯 authentic💯 authentic💯 authentic. XLIMIX CARB BLOCKER Malaysia's first Japan formulated carb-blocker 1 box 30 sachets Main Ingredients ▪White Kidney Beans ▪Orange Powder ▪Green Tea Extract ▪Enokikate Mushroom Extract ✔ Blocks off 77% sugar ✔ Blocks off 75% starch ✔ Blocks off 70% calories ✔ Great for constipation ✔ Natural ingredients ❌ cravings ❌ rebound Abdominal pain 🔥 Breaking the traditional slimming products, don't have to wait for 30 minutes before you can eat 💕 👍 Just 3 seconds before eating, rip the packaging, consume and eat till your heart's content 🍔 👍 Refreshing orange flavor 🍊 friendly to the taste ❤❤❤❤❤ XLIMIX 5 KEY FEATURES: 1⃣Obstruct the absorption of starch and sugar 2⃣Restrain the formation of fats 3⃣Increase satiety 4⃣Promote fat burning rate and increase metabolic rate 5⃣Regular bowel movement 🌟 Product advantages: • Take it three seconds before a meal • Powdered seconds to absorb without waiting • Individually packaged for easy carrying • Good taste, slightly sweet and not bitter How does XLIMIX work? 1⃣️ Take XLIMIX and enter the digestive tract with food 2⃣️ XLIMIX is encased in carbohydrates and sugars. Active enzymes (enzymes that digest carbohydrates), block carbohydrates and sugars into small molecules. 3⃣️ Undigested carbohydrates and sugars, the molecular volume is too large to be absorbed by the intestines and stomachs 4⃣️ The absorbed heat is reduced, naturally it will be thin Ori lemon (20 sachets) ❌Not suitable for pregnant ladies and breastfeeding mothers
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