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韩国AHC驻颜逆龄精华安瓶新款玻尿酸补水保湿抗皱修复面部(50ML)capture 2020款

韩国AHC驻颜逆龄精华安瓶新款玻尿酸补水保湿抗皱修复面部(50ML)capture 2020款

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  • 商品货号:ECS002334
    商品库存: 91
  • 商品品牌:AHC
  • 上架时间:2020-02-20
  • 市场价格:RM55.50
    用户评价: comment rank 5
  • 购买商品达到以下数量区间时可享受的优惠价格:
    数量 优惠价格
    1 RM42.00
    3 RM41.00
    6 RM40.00
    12 RM39.00
    18 RM38.00
    30 RM37.00
  • 商品总价:
  • 购买数量:
    购买此商品可使用:0 积分
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  [Capture Revital Solution  Ampoule]

Highly concentrated formulation

Collagen and fermented extracts make your skin radiant and healthy

Quickly absorbs the skin and delivers the active ingredients deep into the skin


AHC Capture Solution Max Ampooule



How to Use

1. Use morning and night

2. Apply moderate amount of ampoule to your face

3. Gently tap your face to make ampoule soak into your skin



[Capture Moist Solution Ampoule]

Moist and transparent formula with blue capsules doubles moisturizing care

Hyaluronic acid and fermented extract make skin moist and healthy

Quickly absorbs the skin and delivers the active ingredients deep into the skin


AHC Capture Solution Max Ampooule 


 How to Use

1. Use morning and night

2. Apply moderate amount of ampoule to your face

3. Gently tap your face to make ampoule soak into your skin



[Capture White Solution  Ampoule]

Light, soft formula, whitening ingredients delivers to skin

Vitamin C derivatives and fermented extracts make skin healthy

Quickly absorbs the skin and delivers the active ingredients deep into the skin


AHC Capture Solution Max Ampooule


How to Use

1. Use morning and night

2. Apply moderate amount of ampoule to your face

3. Gently tap your face to make ampoule soak into your skin



Capacity: 50ml 1.69oz




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