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[WONDER BATH] Super Vegitoks Cleanser Purple
WONDER BATH SUPER VEGITOKS CLEANER 300ml •Detox •Removes Makeup •Hydrating •Cleansing •Brightening
[Description]This cleanser gives skin elasticity and shine.
Grape, Aronia, Beat, Kohlrabi contains the elastic elements of color.
When it touches the skin, it turns into a white purifying foam.
It removes various wastes, and it supplies nutrition to complete transparent and smooth skin.
[How to use]
1. Punch the Super Vegitoks Cleanser to the size of a coin and apply it to your forehead and chicks.
2. When the bubbles come up, massage your face and cleanse it.
3. Please wash with lukewarm water without irritation.
- Condition : NEW
- Volume : 300mlIngredients Purified water, glycerin, lauryl glucoside, sodium laureth sulfate, acrylate copolymer, cocamidopropyl betaine, butylene glycol, potassium cocoyl (3ppm), celery extract (6ppm), cabbage leaf extract (6ppm), cola extract (6ppm), broccoli number (6ppm), green tea extract, (2ppm), pepper leaf extract (6ppm), chicory leaf extract (6ppm), carrot juice (6ppm), tomato juice (6ppm), potato extract (6ppm) (1ppm), Lime Extract (0.7ppm), etcWONDERBATH Vegitoks Cleanser 蔬菜洗脸霜300ml
Wonder Bath 蔬菜洗脸霜出新品啦‼ 跟绿色款一样具有去角质及可卸淡妆的功能🤩
Bath Super Vegitoks
Cleanser” 是很厉害的卸妆洁面产品,性质温和可天天使用,用完之后感觉脸部变得透亮,毛孔变小,一次过解决卸妆烦恼! 而
一支300ml的份量可以用足2至3个月! 🥬
蔬菜 带有十种绿色植物,其中以麦苗、青柠檬、螺旋藻为主。 ✅功效🏻排毒清洁、净化皮肤、保湿镇定
红色(新款) 带有十种红色植物其中以番茄、石榴、红萝菠等等和红色蔬果成分为主。 ✅功效🏻改善暗沉,亮白肌肤 🍇
紫色(新款) 带有十种紫色植物其中以甜菜、茄子、蓝莓为主,采用凝胶配方 ✅功效🏻抗老化、补充营养、增加皮肤弹性