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Bellissimo Instant Chocolate Drink 浓情巧克力 🍫
❥ 打开1小包混合在120ml水中并摇匀后饮用。
❥ 每天服用一包。
显著功效 :
❥ 脂肪燃烧
❥ 提高新陈代谢速率
❥ 瘦身同时雕塑肌肉
❥ 增强免疫功能
❥ 促进肠胃蠕动
❥ 抑制食欲的功效
❥ 减少脂肪的囤积
❥ 单纯性肥胖、青春期肥胖、产后肥胖决心进一步减肥、回复苗条身段,希望改善易胖体质、做运动也难减胖的人群。
❥ 更适用于顽固型肥胖及反复减肥无效者。对各种局部的肥胖,像圆饼脸,腰圆,小肚子突起、腿、胳膊粗的人效果同样明显。
Remarkable Performances:
❥ Fats burned
❥ Metabolic rate increased
❥ Slimming and muscle shaping
❥ Immunity enhancement
❥ Boost bowel movement
❥ Appetite suppressed
❥ Accumulation of fats reduced
Applicable to:
❥ simple obesity, adolescent obesity, ladies suffer postnatal obesity who wish to further reduce weight and regain slimming body, people wish to improve the easy fat condition, and hard to lose weight even with exercise.
❥ best for intractable obesity and repeated failure at weight loss, as well as for various local obesity, such as round face, big waist, bulging tummy, thick legs and fat arms.
Bellissimo Instant Premix Coffee 经典咖啡☕️
❥ 促进肠道蠕动,身体不容囤积宿便。
❥ 排出毒素,美化肌肤。
❥ 防止脂肪积滞体内
❥ 促进胃液分泌,有助消化与消脂。
❥ 极佳的利水功效,减少水肿现象。
❥ 提高身体新陈代谢,变成易瘦体质。
❥ Promotes bowel movement, avoid the accumulation of putrefaction
❥ Detox and skin beautifying
❥ Prevents fats accumulation in body.
❥ Facilitate the gastric secretion for food digestion and fat abstraction purpose
❥ Inducing diuresis to alleviate oedema.
❥ Improve metabolism to be an easy lean condition.
Applicable to:
Local obesity:belly tummy, love handles, thick legs and body fat.
Postpartum women:lower abdominal bulge after delivery and those who are looking for a quick and safe way to lose weight.
White collar ladies:without starving, workout and medicine, and yet convenient as a daily drink for slimming and refreshing.
Fashionable people:for a good sense lifestyle, instead of weight management.
Weight gained people:a daily cup to lose weight easily
Facing bottleneck of weight loss:break through the bottleneck of weight loss, weight still losing when weight management hit a plateau.